The “Big Five” Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness (C)
  1. Relates to the control of impulses.
  2. Self controlled in terms of active planning, organizing and carrying out tasks.
  3. The conscientious individual is purposeful, strong willed, and determined.
  4. High C is associated with academic and occupational achievement.
  5. Can lead to annoying fastidiousness, compulsive neatness, or workaholic behavior.

High: efficient, thorough, resourceful, organized, ambitious, industrious, enterprising

Low: careless, lazy, impulsive, impatient, immature, moody, hasty


C1: Competence- refers to a sense that one is capable (self-efficacy).
C2: Order- High scorers are neat, tidy, and well organized.  Carried to an extreme, high Order can contribute to a Compulsive Personality Disorder (Monk)
C3: Dutifulness– High scores adhere to their ethical principles and moral obligations.
C4: Achievement Striving- High scorers have high aspiration levels and work hard to achieve their goals.  They are ambitious and have purposefulness to their actions.
C5: Self-Discipline- The ability to begin task and carry though to completion despite boredom and distraction
C6: Deliberation- The tendency to think carefully before acting.  High scorers are cautious and deliberate, while low scores are more spontaneous and hasty and able to make quick decisions.

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