Author Archives: abrown62

Last but not least


Mastering the argumentative essay is a key skill for writing success, and students area assigned argumentative essays in a variety of topics ranging from science to English. This argumentative essay helped me develop critical thinking and research skills, as well as the ability to develop and logically defend a position.  I am aware of my defense on my topic position of trust I just hope I explained well enough in my paper.  I have learned a lot about how to build trust, let’s just hope I have absorbed it, and feel confident that this paper will help me in years to come with my career.

My opinion


I have enjoyed this class. I have definitely stepped out of my comfort zone, and only because of this class, watched a show that I would have never watched otherwise.  Firefly is an American Western Science Fiction television series which is something I am not remotely interested in.  It actually has gained my interest and broadened my horizon. It has been interesting learning how strangers from all walks of life come together as one to form a team led by one leader.  This show has actually taught me how I can improve in areas of not only school but in my work place.    


Mal has very different relationships with the others on board Serenity. During the course of the show there was a great deal of unresolved romantic tension between himself and Inara Serra, a registered Companion who lives on the ship. Mal trusts Zoe to watch his back and depends on her a great deal. Jayne Cobb the mercenary is one person Mal doesn’t trust and many times the two men have almost come to blows. Kaylee the mechanic is like a younger sister to Mal, while Simon Tam and Mal have a great deal of tension between them because of the actions of Simon’s mentally troubled sister River which causes problems at times. Mal sees River in a different light from Simon. He see’s her as a tool with her ability to “see into things” and as an equal on the ship as crew member. He also dislikes how the Alliance tampered with her, trying to make her “better” which is something he doesn’t hold with. Shepherd Book is like an adviser to Mal. Wash the pilot and Mal have a cordial relationship that has occasional problems since Zoe is Wash’s wife and he doesn’t really understand the bond that Mal and Zoe have from the war.

Mal is a hero but a flawed one, a criminal, but an honorable thief and ultimately someone who is a natural born leader.

Why Trust is the New Core of Leadership


Leading From Trust

Leadership development is not dead, but it does need reformulating.  The scale is different, for one thing; the new world needs many more leadership-capable people than did the old world. And the teaching of trust needs to be defined. Three points in particular are key.

Trusting and Trustworthiness. We too often talk about “trust” as if it were a singular thing; it’s not. Trust is a relationship established between a trustor and a trustee. It takes two to tango, and two to trust (this is true not only of interpersonal trust, but of trust between people and institutions).

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned?


Can emotional intelligence be learned?

For ages, people have debated if leaders are born or made. So too goes the debate about emotional intelligence. Are people born with certain levels of empathy, for example, or do they acquire empathy as a result of life’s experiences? The answer is both. Scientific inquiry strongly suggests that there is a genetic component to emotional intelligence. Psychological and developmental research indicates that nurture plays a role as well. How much of each perhaps will never be known, but research and practice clearly demonstrate that emotional intelligence can be learned.

Growth also equals emotional intelligence!

Serenity- my second favorite episode


Serenity lands on Whitefall and Mal prepares to make the deal. Mistrustful of Patience, he sends Jayne to take a sniper position in the hills while he and Zoe walk out to meet Patience and her gang in a deserted valley. Mal gives Patience a sample of the cargo, which turns out to be nutritional/immunization bars, each one of which can feed an entire family for a month. Patience tries to kill them, so she can take the cargo without paying, but Mal and Zoe, with the help of Jayne, dispatch Patience and her gang, taking the money they were promised. Although, one of Patience’s men shot Mal’s arm, ripping a hole on his sleeve coat. Jayne then joins the others, having been contacted by Wash with bad news: the Reavers followed them to Whitefall.

Mal realizes Patience cannot be trusted.  Good thing he took precaution!

Survey Reveals Employee Trust and Confidence in Their Leaders is Stronger December 18th, 2014 by Persis Swift


A recent survey from Towers Watson indicates that 55 percent of all U.S. employees said they have trust and confidence in their senior leaders. In 2012 that number was only 49 percent, and two years earlier in 2010, that number was 47 percent. Senior leaders received high scores from survey participants in the following areas: 80 percent agreed that their leaders promoted a positive company image to the outside world and 68 percent agreed that their leaders understand the factors that lead to success.

Four Ways to Build and Sustain Trust in Your Workplace

1.Establish Values

2. Communicate Openly

3. Respect all Employees

4. Be Human

Integrate trust in your values, performance appraisals, on-boarding practices and other workplace activities.

Mineo, David L. Importance of Trust in Leadership.


Great Article: This article is intended to focus on how the bond is created that provides the leader with the vehicle for success. Trust is the glue which binds the leader to her/his followers and provides the capacity for organizational and leadership success.  The foundation of a great workplace is created by organizational credibility, respect and fairness which form the foundation of trust.

In conclusion, the trust that leaders place in those they lead allows both the leader and her/his followers to excel. It is not a momentary event but a series of investments over time that truly allows success.

Crane, Frank. Building Trust Inside Your Team.


You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough.– Frank Crane, American minister and author

Trust is an essential element in team productivity. Without it, you’re unlikely to get anything meaningful done. But with it, teams can accomplish everything they set out to do… and more.

As a leader, it’s important that you set an example. Show your team members how critical trust is to you by demonstrating your trust in them, as well as in your colleagues.

Next, make an effort to help everyone get to know each other on a personal level. Encourage conversations on values, family, or hobbies. Last, discourage cliques, if you feel that they’re damaging to the group’s trust and morale.

Do your employees trust your leadership?


Do Your Employees Trust Your Leadership?


According to a recent poll by Maritz Research Group, a leader in employee satisfaction research, 25% of employees report having less trust in management this year than they did last year, and only 14% say their company’s values reflect their own personal values. As a leader, it’s important for employees to know you can be trusted to not only make the best choices for the company, but for the people you lead as well. Unfortunately, building trust doesn’t happen overnight and it can be easily lost with a single misstep.

So, what are some of the characteristics of a trustworthy leader?